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2023-08-14 01:21:46 +02:00
/* ----------------------------------------------------------
* setpagedata.js v:0.1.0 d:Mar 2021 a:Neil Thomas
* Last modified: 2022/07/02 17:55:10
* Basic scripts for all new at-xxxx.html template pages.
* Incorporating changes suggested by beteljuice
* Requires jQuery
* ----------------------------------------------------------*/
// Global variables
// Changing these affects every page in the ai-interface
// All numbers are pixels.
let fixedHeader = false; // Use only true or false
let fixedFooter = true; // Use only true or false
let headerMargin = 20; // Gap between the header and the main body
let footerMargin = 10; // Gap between the body and the footer
let load_menu = "js/menu.js"; // menu file to load - path is relative to the page
// Thats the only changes you should make unless you know better!
let cmx_data;
let menu = mobileMenu = "";
let initialLoad = true;
window.onresize = function() {
let borderpatrol = function() {
var contentMargin = $("#Header").outerHeight( true );
if ($('#Header').hasClass('w3-top')) {
$('#Content').css('margin-top', headerMargin + contentMargin + 'px');
} else {
$('#Content').css('margin-top', headerMargin + 'px');
contentMargin = $('#Footer').outerHeight( true );
if ($('#Footer').hasClass('w3-bottom')){
$('#Content').css('margin-bottom', footerMargin + contentMargin + 'px');
} else {
$('#Content').css('margin-bottom', footerMargin + 'px');
}; // end function
let createMainMenu = function(src, submenu) {
let classMain = 'w3-bar-item w3-btn w3-theme-hvr at-slim w3-hide-small w3-hide-medium';
let classMainSub = 'w3-bar-item w3-btn w3-theme-d5-hvr at-slim';
src.forEach(function(itm) {
if ( !== 'n') { // wanted in main menu
if (itm.submenu) { // drop down
menu += '<div class="w3-dropdown-hover">\n';
menu += '\t<button id="' + itm.title.replace(/ /g,"_") + '" type="button" class="w3-btn w3-theme-hvr at-slim w3-hide-medium w3-hide-small" onclick="dropDown(this)" aria-expanded="false">' + itm.title + '&#8230;</button>\n';
menu += '\t<div id="sub_' + itm.title.replace(/ /g,"_") + '" class="w3-dropdown-content w3-bar-block w3-theme">\n';
// add the sub-menu items
createMainMenu(itm.items, true);
menu += '\t\n</div></div>\n';
} else {
infill = (itm.new_window ? ' target="_blank"' : '');
if ( {
if (cmx_data.forumurl != '') {
menu += '<a href="' + cmx_data.forumurl + '"' + infill + ' class="' + (submenu ? classMainSub : classMain) + '">' + itm.title + '</a>\n';
} else if ( {
if (cmx_data.webcamurl != '') {
menu += '<a href="' + cmx_data.webcamurl + '"' + infill + ' class="' + (submenu ? classMainSub : classMain) + '">' + itm.title + '</a>\n';
} else {
menu += '<a href="' + itm.url + '"' + infill + ' class="' + (submenu ? classMainSub : classMain) + '">' + itm.title + '</a>\n';
// if we are processing a sub menu, return to the main loop
if (submenu)
menu += '<button class="w3-bar-item w3-btn w3-theme-hvr at-slim w3-hide-large w3-right" onClick="toggleMenu(\'Main_Menu_Mobile\')">Menu &#9776;</button>';
// stick the menus into the page
let createMobileMenu = function(src, submenu) {
let classMobile = 'w3-bar-item w3-btn w3-theme-hvr at-slim';
let styleMobile = submenu ? 'padding-left: 30px !important;' : '';
src.forEach(function(itm) {
if ( !== 'w') { // wanted in narrow menu
// mobile menu
if (itm.submenu) {
mobileMenu += '\t<button class="w3-btn at-slim" style="cursor: default;">' + itm.title + '&#8230;</button>\n';
createMobileMenu(itm.items, true);
} else {
infill = (itm.new_window ? " target='_blank'" : "");
if ( && cmx_data.forumurl != '') {
mobileMenu += '<a href="' + cmx_data.forumurl + '"' + infill + ' class="' + classMobile + '" style= "' + styleMobile + '">' + itm.title + '</a>\n';
} else if ( && cmx_data.webcamurl != '') {
mobileMenu += '<a href="' + cmx_data.webcamurl + '"' + infill + ' class="' + classMobile + '" style= "' + styleMobile + '">' + itm.title + '</a>\n';
} else {
mobileMenu += '<a href="' + itm.url + '"' + infill + ' class="' + classMobile + '" style= "' + styleMobile + '">' + itm.title + '</a>\n';
// if we are processing a sub menu, return to the main loop
if (submenu)
// stick the menus into the page
let setupPage = function() {
// static header & footer
if (fixedHeader) {
} else {
if (fixedFooter) {
} else {
// Page content top and bottom margins
let toggleMenu = function(menuid) {
let dropDown = function(panel) {
var btn = $('#' +;
var sub = $('#sub_' +;
if (sub.hasClass('w3-show')) {
btn.attr('aria-expanded', false);
} else {
// Close other dropdowns first
btn.attr('aria-expanded', true);
let getPageData = function (resolve, reject) {
$.getJSON('websitedata.json?_=' +, function (json) {
console.log('Data success');
// auto update every 60 seconds, only the index and today pages
// Some sites may have index.htm as the default page, and thus not have a page name
let pageName = window.location.href.split('/').pop().split('.')[0];
if (pageName == 'index' || pageName == 'today' || pageName == 'todayYest' || pageName == '') {
setTimeout(function () {
getPageData(null, null);
}, 60 * 1000);
cmx_data = json;
// Set some header stuff
$(document).prop('title', cmx_data.location + ' weather');
$('meta[name=description]').attr('content', cmx_data.location + ' weather data');
$('meta[name=keywords]').attr('content', $('meta[name=keywords]').attr('content') + ', ' + cmx_data.location);
// do the menus
if (initialLoad) {
$.getScript(load_menu, function() { // path is relative to the page - allows for multiple vars to be available and ignores comments ;-)
createMainMenu(menuSrc, false);
createMobileMenu(menuSrc, false);
borderpatrol(); // duplicated here to ensure things OK if initial menu wrapped
initialLoad = false;
// Show/hide Apparent/Feels Like
if (cmx_data.options.useApparent === "1") {
if (cmx_data.options.showSolar === "1") {
} else {
$('[data-cmx-solar-gauge]').addClass('w3-hide'); // Gauges do not draw correctly if hidden from the start
if (cmx_data.options.showUV === "1") {
} else {
$('[data-cmx-uv-gauge]').addClass('w3-hide'); // Gauges do not draw correctly if hidden from the start
// Update all spans having data-cmxdata with data values
$('[data-cmxdata]').each(function () {
this.innerHTML = cmx_data[this.dataset.cmxdata];
if (cmx_data.currcond != '') {
// Use this to trigger other scripts on the page
if (null !== resolve) {
.fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
let err = textStatus + ', ' + error;
console.log('Data Request Failed: ' + err );
if (null !== reject) {
// lets try that again
setTimeout(function () {
getPageData(resolve, reject);
}, 5000);
// Get the main page data
let dataLoadedPromise = new Promise((myResolve, myReject) => {
$(document).ready(function() {
getPageData(myResolve, myReject);