using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using MadMilkman.Ini; namespace MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.CS { class IniSamples { private static void HelloWorld() { // Create new file. IniFile file = new IniFile(); // Add new section. IniSection section = file.Sections.Add("Section Name"); // Add new key and its value. IniKey key = section.Keys.Add("Key Name", "Hello World"); // Read file's specific value. Console.WriteLine(file.Sections["Section Name"].Keys["Key Name"].Value); } private static void Create() { // Create new file with a default formatting. IniFile file = new IniFile(new IniOptions()); // Add new content. IniSection section = new IniSection(file, IniSection.GlobalSectionName); IniKey key = new IniKey(file, "Key 1", "Value 1"); file.Sections.Add(section); section.Keys.Add(key); // Add new content. file.Sections.Add("Section 2").Keys.Add("Key 2", "Value 2"); // Add new content. file.Sections.Add( new IniSection(file, "Section 3", new IniKey(file, "Key 3.1", "Value 3.1"), new IniKey(file, "Key 3.2", "Value 3.2"))); // Add new content. file.Sections.Add( new IniSection(file, "Section 4", new Dictionary() { {"Key 4.1", "Value 4.1"}, {"Key 4.2", "Value 4.2"} })); } private static void Load() { IniOptions options = new IniOptions(); IniFile iniFile = new IniFile(options); // Load file from path. iniFile.Load(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Load Example.ini"); // Load file from stream. using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Load Example.ini")) iniFile.Load(stream); // Load file's content from string. string iniContent = "[Section 1]" + Environment.NewLine + "Key 1.1 = Value 1.1" + Environment.NewLine + "Key 1.2 = Value 1.2" + Environment.NewLine + "Key 1.3 = Value 1.3" + Environment.NewLine + "Key 1.4 = Value 1.4"; iniFile.Load(new StringReader(iniContent)); // Read file's content. foreach (var section in iniFile.Sections) { Console.WriteLine("SECTION: {0}", section.Name); foreach (var key in section.Keys) Console.WriteLine("KEY: {0}, VALUE: {1}", key.Name, key.Value); } } private static void Style() { IniFile file = new IniFile(); file.Sections.Add("Section 1").Keys.Add("Key 1", "Value 1"); file.Sections.Add("Section 2").Keys.Add("Key 2", "Value 2"); file.Sections.Add("Section 3").Keys.Add("Key 3", "Value 3"); // Add leading comments. file.Sections[0].LeadingComment.Text = "Section 1 leading comment."; file.Sections[0].Keys[0].LeadingComment.Text = "Key 1 leading comment."; // Add trailing comments. file.Sections[1].TrailingComment.Text = "Section 2 trailing comment."; file.Sections[1].Keys[0].TrailingComment.Text = "Key 2 trailing comment."; // Add left space, indentation. file.Sections[1].LeftIndentation = 4; file.Sections[1].TrailingComment.LeftIndentation = 4; file.Sections[1].Keys[0].LeftIndentation = 4; file.Sections[1].Keys[0].TrailingComment.LeftIndentation = 4; // Add above space, empty lines. file.Sections[2].TrailingComment.EmptyLinesBefore = 2; } private static void Save() { IniOptions options = new IniOptions(); IniFile iniFile = new IniFile(options); iniFile.Sections.Add( new IniSection(iniFile, "Section 1", new IniKey(iniFile, "Key 1.1", "Value 1.1"), new IniKey(iniFile, "Key 1.2", "Value 1.2"), new IniKey(iniFile, "Key 1.3", "Value 1.3"), new IniKey(iniFile, "Key 1.4", "Value 1.4"))); // Save file to path. iniFile.Save(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Save Example.ini"); // Save file to stream. using (Stream stream = File.Create(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Save Example.ini")) iniFile.Save(stream); // Save file's content to string. StringWriter contentWriter = new StringWriter(); iniFile.Save(contentWriter); string iniContent = contentWriter.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(iniContent); } private static void Encrypt() { // Enable file's protection by providing an encryption password. IniOptions options = new IniOptions() { EncryptionPassword = "M4dM1lkM4n.1n1" }; IniFile file = new IniFile(options); IniSection section = file.Sections.Add("User's Account"); section.Keys.Add("Username", "John Doe"); section.Keys.Add("Password", @"P@55\/\/0|2D"); // Save and encrypt the file. file.Save(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Encrypt Example.ini"); file.Sections.Clear(); // Load and dencrypt the file. file.Load(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Encrypt Example.ini"); Console.WriteLine("User Name: {0}", file.Sections[0].Keys["Username"].Value); Console.WriteLine("Password: {0}", file.Sections[0].Keys["Password"].Value); } private static void Compress() { // Enable file's size reduction. IniOptions options = new IniOptions() { Compression = true }; IniFile file = new IniFile(options); for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) file.Sections.Add("Section " + i).Keys.Add("Key " + i, "Value " + i); // Save and compress the file. file.Save(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Compress Example.ini"); file.Sections.Clear(); // Load and decompress the file. file.Load(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Compress Example.ini"); Console.WriteLine(file.Sections.Count); } private static void Custom() { // Create new file with custom formatting. IniFile file = new IniFile( new IniOptions() { CommentStarter = IniCommentStarter.Hash, KeyDelimiter = IniKeyDelimiter.Colon, KeySpaceAroundDelimiter = true, SectionWrapper = IniSectionWrapper.CurlyBrackets, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }); // Load file. file.Load(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Custom Example Input.ini"); // Change first section's fourth key's value. file.Sections[0].Keys[3].Value = "NEW VALUE"; // Save file. file.Save(@"..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Custom Example Output.ini"); } private static void Copy() { // Create new file. IniFile file = new IniFile(); // Add new content. IniSection section = file.Sections.Add("Section"); IniKey key = section.Keys.Add("Key"); // Add duplicate section. file.Sections.Add(section.Copy()); // Add duplicate key. section.Keys.Add(key.Copy()); // Create new file. IniFile newFile = new IniFile(new IniOptions()); // Import first file's section to second file. newFile.Sections.Add(section.Copy(newFile)); } private static void Parse() { IniFile file = new IniFile(); string content = "[Player]" + Environment.NewLine + "Full Name = John Doe" + Environment.NewLine + "Birthday = 12/31/1999" + Environment.NewLine + "Married = Yes" + Environment.NewLine + "Score = 9999999" + Environment.NewLine + "Game Time = 00:59:59"; file.Load(new StringReader(content)); // Map 'yes' value as 'true' boolean. file.ValueMappings.Add("yes", true); // Map 'no' value as 'false' boolean. file.ValueMappings.Add("no", false); IniSection playerSection = file.Sections["Player"]; // Retrieve player's name. string playerName = playerSection.Keys["Full Name"].Value; // Retrieve player's birthday as DateTime. DateTime playerBirthday; playerSection.Keys["Birthday"].TryParseValue(out playerBirthday); // Retrieve player's marital status as bool. // TryParseValue succeeds due to the mapping of 'yes' value to 'true' boolean. bool playerMarried; playerSection.Keys["Married"].TryParseValue(out playerMarried); // Retrieve player's score as long. long playerScore; playerSection.Keys["Score"].TryParseValue(out playerScore); // Retrieve player's game time as TimeSpan. TimeSpan playerGameTime; playerSection.Keys["Game Time"].TryParseValue(out playerGameTime); } private static void BindInternal() { IniFile file = new IniFile(); string content = "[Machine Settings]" + Environment.NewLine + "Program Files = C:\\Program Files" + Environment.NewLine + "[Application Settings]" + Environment.NewLine + "Name = Example App" + Environment.NewLine + "Version = 1.0" + Environment.NewLine + "Full Name = @{Name} v@{Version}" + Environment.NewLine + "Executable Path = @{Machine Settings|Program Files}\\@{Name}.exe"; file.Load(new StringReader(content)); // Bind placeholders with file's content, internal information. file.ValueBinding.Bind(); // Retrieve application's full name, value is 'Example App v1.0'. string appFullName = file.Sections["Application Settings"].Keys["Full Name"].Value; // Retrieve application's executable path, value is 'C:\\Program Files\\Example App.exe'. string appExePath = file.Sections["Application Settings"].Keys["Executable Path"].Value; } private static void BindExternal() { IniFile file = new IniFile(); string content = "[User's Settings]" + Environment.NewLine + "Nickname = @{User Alias}" + Environment.NewLine + "Full Name = @{User Name} @{User Surname}" + Environment.NewLine + "Profile Page = @{Homepage}/Profiles/@{User Alias}"; file.Load(new StringReader(content)); // Bind placeholders with user's data, external information. file.ValueBinding.Bind( new Dictionary { {"User Alias", "Johny"}, {"User Name", "John"}, {"User Surname", "Doe"} }); // Bind 'Homepage' placeholder with '' value. file.ValueBinding.Bind( new KeyValuePair("Homepage", "")); // Retrieve user's full name, value is 'John Doe'. string userFullName = file.Sections["User's Settings"].Keys["Full Name"].Value; // Retrieve user's profile page, value is ''. string userProfilePage = file.Sections["User's Settings"].Keys["Profile Page"].Value; } private static void BindCustomize() { IniFile file = new IniFile(); string content = "[Player]" + Environment.NewLine + "Name = @{Name}" + Environment.NewLine + "Surname = @{Surname}" + Environment.NewLine + "Adult = @{Age}" + Environment.NewLine + "Medal = @{Rank}"; file.Load(new StringReader(content)); // Customize binding operation. file.ValueBinding.Binding += (sender, e) => { // Set placeholders that do not have a value in data source to 'UNKNOWN'. if (!e.IsValueFound) { e.Value = "UNKNOWN"; return; } // Set 'Age' placeholder inside 'Adult' key to an appropriate value. if (e.PlaceholderKey.Name.Equals("Adult") && e.PlaceholderName.Equals("Age")) { int age; if (int.TryParse(e.Value, out age)) e.Value = (age >= 18) ? "YES" : "NO"; else e.Value = "UNKNOWN"; return; } // Set 'Rank' placeholder inside 'Medal' key to an appropriate value. if (e.PlaceholderKey.Name.Equals("Medal") && e.PlaceholderName.Equals("Rank")) { int rank; if (int.TryParse(e.Value, out rank)) switch (rank) { case 1: e.Value = "GOLD"; break; case 2: e.Value = "SILVER"; break; case 3: e.Value = "BRONCE"; break; default: e.Value = "NONE"; break; } else e.Value = "UNKNOWN"; return; } }; // Execute binding operation. file.ValueBinding.Bind( new Dictionary { {"Name", "John"}, {"Age", "20"}, {"Rank", "1"} }); } // Custom type used for serialization sample. private class GameCharacter { public string Name { get; set; } // Serialize this property as a key with "Sword" name. [IniSerialization("Sword")] public double Attack { get; set; } // Serialize this property as a key with "Shield" name. [IniSerialization("Shield")] public double Defence { get; set; } // Ignore serializing this property. [IniSerialization(true)] public double Health { get; set; } public GameCharacter() { this.Health = 100; } } private static void Serialize() { IniFile file = new IniFile(); IniSection section = file.Sections.Add("User's Character"); GameCharacter character = new GameCharacter(); character.Name = "John"; character.Attack = 5.5; character.Defence = 1; character.Health = 75; // Serialize GameCharacter object into section's keys. section.Serialize(character); // Deserialize section into GameCharacter object. GameCharacter savedCharacter = section.Deserialize(); Console.WriteLine(section.Keys["Name"].Value); Console.WriteLine(savedCharacter.Name); Console.WriteLine(section.Keys["Sword"].Value); Console.WriteLine(savedCharacter.Attack); Console.WriteLine(section.Keys["Shield"].Value); Console.WriteLine(savedCharacter.Defence); } static void Main() { HelloWorld(); Create(); Load(); Style(); Save(); Encrypt(); Compress(); Custom(); Copy(); Parse(); BindInternal(); BindExternal(); BindCustomize(); Serialize(); } } }