2024-06-02 05:35:03 +02:00

469 lines
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Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports MadMilkman.Ini
Module IniSamples
Private Sub HelloWorld()
' Create new file.
Dim file As New IniFile()
' Add new section.
Dim section As IniSection = file.Sections.Add("Section Name")
' Add new key and its value.
Dim key As IniKey = section.Keys.Add("Key Name", "Hello World")
' Read file's specific value.
Console.WriteLine(file.Sections("Section Name").Keys("Key Name").Value)
End Sub
Private Sub Create()
' Create new file with default formatting.
Dim file As New IniFile(New IniOptions())
' Add new content.
Dim section As New IniSection(file, IniSection.GlobalSectionName)
Dim key As New IniKey(file, "Key 1", "Value 1")
' Add new content.
file.Sections.Add("Section 2").Keys.Add("Key 2", "Value 2")
' Add new content.
New IniSection(file, "Section 3",
New IniKey(file, "Key 3.1", "Value 3.1"),
New IniKey(file, "Key 3.2", "Value 3.2")))
' Add new content.
New IniSection(file, "Section 4",
New Dictionary(Of String, String)() From {
{"Key 4.1", "Value 4.1"},
{"Key 4.2", "Value 4.2"}
End Sub
Private Sub Load()
Dim options As New IniOptions()
Dim iniFile As New IniFile(options)
' Load file from path.
iniFile.Load("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Load Example.ini")
' Load file from stream.
Using stream As Stream = File.OpenRead("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Load Example.ini")
End Using
' Load file's content from string.
Dim iniContent As String = "[Section 1]" + Environment.NewLine +
"Key 1.1 = Value 1.1" + Environment.NewLine +
"Key 1.2 = Value 1.2" + Environment.NewLine +
"Key 1.3 = Value 1.3" + Environment.NewLine +
"Key 1.4 = Value 1.4"
iniFile.Load(New StringReader(iniContent))
' Read file's content.
For Each section In iniFile.Sections
Console.WriteLine("SECTION: {0}", section.Name)
For Each key In section.Keys
Console.WriteLine("KEY: {0}, VALUE: {1}", key.Name, key.Value)
End Sub
Private Sub Style()
Dim file As New IniFile()
file.Sections.Add("Section 1").Keys.Add("Key 1", "Value 1")
file.Sections.Add("Section 2").Keys.Add("Key 2", "Value 2")
file.Sections.Add("Section 3").Keys.Add("Key 3", "Value 3")
' Add leading comments.
file.Sections(0).LeadingComment.Text = "Section 1 leading comment."
file.Sections(0).Keys(0).LeadingComment.Text = "Key 1 leading comment."
' Add trailing comments.
file.Sections(1).TrailingComment.Text = "Section 2 trailing comment."
file.Sections(1).Keys(0).TrailingComment.Text = "Key 2 trailing comment."
' Add left space, indentation.
file.Sections(1).LeftIndentation = 4
file.Sections(1).TrailingComment.LeftIndentation = 4
file.Sections(1).Keys(0).LeftIndentation = 4
file.Sections(1).Keys(0).TrailingComment.LeftIndentation = 4
' Add above space, empty lines.
file.Sections(2).TrailingComment.EmptyLinesBefore = 2
End Sub
Private Sub Save()
Dim options As New IniOptions()
Dim iniFile As New IniFile(options)
New IniSection(iniFile, "Section 1",
New IniKey(iniFile, "Key 1.1", "Value 1.1"),
New IniKey(iniFile, "Key 1.2", "Value 1.2"),
New IniKey(iniFile, "Key 1.3", "Value 1.3"),
New IniKey(iniFile, "Key 1.4", "Value 1.4")))
' Save file to path.
iniFile.Save("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Save Example.ini")
' Save file to stream.
Using stream As Stream = File.Create("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Save Example.ini")
End Using
' Save file's content to string.
Dim contentWriter As New StringWriter()
Dim iniContent As String = contentWriter.ToString()
End Sub
Private Sub Encrypt()
' Enable file's protection by providing an encryption password.
Dim options As IniOptions = New IniOptions() With {.EncryptionPassword = "M4dM1lkM4n.1n1"}
Dim file As IniFile = New IniFile(options)
Dim section As IniSection = file.Sections.Add("User's Account")
section.Keys.Add("Username", "John Doe")
section.Keys.Add("Password", "P@55\/\/0|2D")
' Save and encrypt the file.
file.Save("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Encrypt Example.ini")
' Load and dencrypt the file.
file.Load("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Encrypt Example.ini")
Console.WriteLine("User Name: {0}", file.Sections(0).Keys("Username").Value)
Console.WriteLine("Password: {0}", file.Sections(0).Keys("Password").Value)
End Sub
Private Sub Compress()
' Enable file's size reduction.
Dim options As IniOptions = New IniOptions() With {.Compression = True}
Dim file = New IniFile(options)
For i As Integer = 1 To 100
file.Sections.Add("Section " + i.ToString()).Keys.Add("Key " + i.ToString(), "Value " + i.ToString())
' Save and compress the file.
file.Save("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Compress Example.ini")
' Load and decompress the file.
file.Load("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Compress Example.ini")
End Sub
Private Sub Custom()
' Create new file with custom formatting.
Dim file As New IniFile(
New IniOptions() With {
.CommentStarter = IniCommentStarter.Hash,
.KeyDelimiter = IniKeyDelimiter.Colon,
.KeySpaceAroundDelimiter = True,
.SectionWrapper = IniSectionWrapper.CurlyBrackets,
.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
' Load file.
file.Load("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Custom Example Input.ini")
' Change first section's fourth key's value.
file.Sections(0).Keys(3).Value = "NEW VALUE"
' Save file.
file.Save("..\..\..\MadMilkman.Ini.Samples.Files\Custom Example Output.ini")
End Sub
Private Sub Copy()
' Create new file.
Dim file As New IniFile()
' Add new content.
Dim section As IniSection = file.Sections.Add("Section")
Dim key As IniKey = section.Keys.Add("Key")
' Add duplicate section.
' Add duplicate key.
' Create new file.
Dim newFile As New IniFile(New IniOptions())
' Import first file's section to second file.
End Sub
Private Sub Parse()
Dim file As New IniFile()
Dim content As String = "[Player]" + Environment.NewLine +
"Full Name = John Doe" + Environment.NewLine +
"Birthday = 12/31/1999" + Environment.NewLine +
"Married = Yes" + Environment.NewLine +
"Score = 9999999" + Environment.NewLine +
"Game Time = 00:59:59"
file.Load(New StringReader(content))
' Map 'yes' value as 'true' boolean.
file.ValueMappings.Add("yes", True)
' Map 'no' value as 'false' boolean.
file.ValueMappings.Add("no", False)
Dim playerSection As IniSection = file.Sections("Player")
' Retrieve player's name.
Dim playerName As String = playerSection.Keys("Full Name").Value
' Retrieve player's birthday as DateTime.
Dim playerBirthday As DateTime
' Retrieve player's marital status as bool.
' TryParseValue succeeds due to the mapping of 'yes' value to 'true' boolean.
Dim playerMarried As Boolean
' Retrieve player's score as long.
Dim playerScore As Long
' Retrieve player's game time as TimeSpan.
Dim playerGameTime As TimeSpan
playerSection.Keys("Game Time").TryParseValue(playerGameTime)
End Sub
Private Sub BindInternal()
Dim file As New IniFile()
Dim content As String = "[Machine Settings]" + Environment.NewLine +
"Program Files = C:\Program Files" + Environment.NewLine +
"[Application Settings]" + Environment.NewLine +
"Name = Example App" + Environment.NewLine +
"Version = 1.0" + Environment.NewLine +
"Full Name = @{Name} v@{Version}" + Environment.NewLine +
"Executable Path = @{Machine Settings|Program Files}\@{Name}.exe"
file.Load(New StringReader(content))
' Bind placeholders with file's content, internal information.
' Retrieve application's full name, value is 'Example App v1.0'.
Dim appFullName As String = file.Sections("Application Settings").Keys("Full Name").Value
' Retrieve application's executable path, value is 'C:\\Program Files\\Example App.exe'.
Dim appExePath As String = file.Sections("Application Settings").Keys("Executable Path").Value
End Sub
Private Sub BindExternal()
Dim file As New IniFile()
Dim content As String = "[User's Settings]" + Environment.NewLine +
"Nickname = @{User Alias}" + Environment.NewLine +
"Full Name = @{User Name} @{User Surname}" + Environment.NewLine +
"Profile Page = @{Homepage}/Profiles/@{User Alias}"
file.Load(New StringReader(content))
' Bind placeholders with user's data, external information.
New Dictionary(Of String, String)() From
{"User Alias", "Johny"},
{"User Name", "John"},
{"User Surname", "Doe"}
' Bind 'Homepage' placeholder with '' value.
New KeyValuePair(Of String, String)("Homepage", ""))
' Retrieve user's full name, value is 'John Doe'.
Dim userFullName As String = file.Sections("User's Settings").Keys("Full Name").Value
' Retrieve user's profile page, value is ''.
Dim userProfilePage As String = file.Sections("User's Settings").Keys("Profile Page").Value
End Sub
Private Sub BindCustomize()
Dim file As New IniFile()
Dim content As String = "[Player]" + Environment.NewLine +
"Name = @{Name}" + Environment.NewLine +
"Surname = @{Surname}" + Environment.NewLine +
"Adult = @{Age}" + Environment.NewLine +
"Medal = @{Rank}"
file.Load(New StringReader(content))
' Customize binding operation.
AddHandler file.ValueBinding.Binding,
Sub(sender, e)
' Set placeholders that do not have a value in data source to 'UNKNOWN'.
If Not e.IsValueFound Then
e.Value = "UNKNOWN"
End If
' Set 'Age' placeholder inside 'Adult' key to an appropriate value.
If e.PlaceholderKey.Name.Equals("Adult") AndAlso e.PlaceholderName.Equals("Age") Then
Dim age As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(e.Value, age) Then
e.Value = If((age >= 18), "YES", "NO")
e.Value = "UNKNOWN"
End If
End If
' Set 'Rank' placeholder inside 'Medal' key to an appropriate value.
If e.PlaceholderKey.Name.Equals("Medal") AndAlso e.PlaceholderName.Equals("Rank") Then
Dim rank As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(e.Value, rank) Then
Select Case rank
Case 1
e.Value = "GOLD"
Exit Select
Case 2
e.Value = "SILVER"
Exit Select
Case 3
e.Value = "BRONCE"
Exit Select
Case Else
e.Value = "NONE"
Exit Select
End Select
e.Value = "UNKNOWN"
End If
End If
End Sub
' Execute binding operation.
file.ValueBinding.Bind(New Dictionary(Of String, String)() From {
{"Name", "John"},
{"Age", "20"},
{"Rank", "1"}
End Sub
' Custom type used for serialization sample.
Private Class GameCharacter
Public Property Name() As String
Return m_Name
End Get
Set(value As String)
m_Name = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Name As String
' Serialize this property as a key with "Sword" name.
Public Property Attack() As Double
Return m_Attack
End Get
Set(value As Double)
m_Attack = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Attack As Double
' Serialize this property as a key with "Shield" name.
Public Property Defence() As Double
Return m_Defence
End Get
Set(value As Double)
m_Defence = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Defence As Double
' Ignore serializing this property.
Public Property Health() As Double
Return m_Health
End Get
Set(value As Double)
m_Health = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Health As Double
Public Sub New()
Me.Health = 100
End Sub
End Class
Private Sub Serialize()
Dim file As New IniFile()
Dim section As IniSection = file.Sections.Add("User's Character")
Dim character As New GameCharacter()
character.Name = "John"
character.Attack = 5.5
character.Defence = 1
character.Health = 75
' Serialize GameCharacter object into section's keys.
' Deserialize section into GameCharacter object.
Dim savedCharacter As GameCharacter = section.Deserialize(Of GameCharacter)()
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module